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Navigating Reality Shifts: A Self-Guided Practice

November 09, 20233 min read

PSA: Your intuition sends you messages like love notes. Are you reading them? ~ Erin Rogers


After the recent eclipse, the world may feel intense, even overwhelming. It's a time of change, both externally and internally. This post offers a self-guided practice to help you connect with your heart space and intuitive guidance, allowing your truest path to emerge.

erin meditating

Finding Your Heart Space: Begin by setting aside 30 minutes in a quiet, comfortable space. Create an feeling where you can feel relaxed and open to possibilities, perhaps with calming music or your favorite playlist. Here are two I love, my Spotify morning meditation playlist or the Monroe Institute Binaural Beats Spotify Playlist.

Tapping into Your Intuition: Using your primary intuition type (take the quiz if you're unsure), ask yourself what needs to shift for you to embrace the messages of change you're receiving. Once you've identified it, ask yourself: What needs to shift for me to wholeheartedly embrace the messages of change I am receiving?

Trust the initial response, even if it may not immediately make sense.

Step 3: Trust the Process
You may want to consider asking yourself questions if you like your intuition to respond to something or take those options a use intuitive muscle testing. Trust the initial response, even if it may not immediately make sense, you will know it is intuition as it will feel like a calm knowing in your body.

Step 4: Dive Deeper
Ask yourself about the layer this message is existing at within your being. Is it a belief in your auraic field, an inner child experience, or a new perspective that is ready to be shifted to catalyze transformation?

Step 5: Choose Your Approach
To move through the energy you may want to try a guided meditation, here is a guided Inner Child Meditation. Or you can take yourself through journaling and self inquiry, here are some questions you may want to use:

  • How can I view this situation from a place of love?

  • What wisdom does my most compassionate self offer?

  • What messages does my future self, free from current constraints, wish to convey?

Step 6: Reflect and Integrate
You may choose to write down these prompts, or simply ask them in your mind or out loud. The process is complete when the messages cease to flow and you find yourself in a state of loving, calm clarity.

Step 7: Offer Gratitude and Decide on Your Next Step
Extend gratitude to yourself for dedicating this time to your inner growth. If it feels aligned, ask yourself: What is the next best action I can take to honor and integrate these insights?

Step 8: Seal the Experience
Close out the experience by envisioning a radiant white light energy passing over you, sealing in the wisdom gained during this practice.

Step 9: Post-Experience Integration
Take some time after the practice to integrate. Perhaps enjoy a leisurely walk, savor a calming tea, or simply let your mind wander. Allow yourself to bask in the afterglow of the experience.

Remember, the answers you seek reside within you. By creating this sacred space for self-reflection, you open the door to receiving those answers with greater ease. Trust in the process, and trust in yourself.

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