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You are intuitive

The Intuitive Bend: Harnessing your intuition

October 25, 20233 min read

Our intuition is a powerful tool, often guiding us to make decisions that our logical mind can't entirely grasp. It's a compass, a guiding light, and a voice of wisdom. But how do we tap into this innate wisdom? How do we harness it and use it to navigate through life with clarity and confidence? Here are some prompts to help you intuitively tap into your wisdom.

Understanding Intuition

Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or an instinct. It's an inner knowing that surfaces without any logical explanation. But what does intuition feel like in your body? How does it communicate with you? Does it manifest as feelings, images, or words? Reflecting on these questions can help you understand your intuitive language and create a stronger connection with your inner guide.

Intuition in Action

Think back to a recent moment where your intuition guided you. Was there a situation where your intuition surprised you with its accuracy? Or a time when your intuition saved the day? These instances serve as affirmations of your intuitive abilities and motivate you to trust it more.

Learning from Intuition

There are lessons to be learned from our intuition too. Can you recall a time when you ignored your intuition? What did you learn from that experience? It's essential to remember that every situation, whether successful or not, is an opportunity for learning and growth.

Strengthening Your Intuition

Improving your intuitive abilities involves practice. Consider making a small decision using your intuition or setting a small challenge to strengthen it. Visualize your ideal day, guided entirely by intuition. Notice the colours or images that come to mind when you think of your intuition. These exercises can enhance your intuitive senses and make them more reliable.

Intuition and Self-Care

Our intuition is also a guide towards self-care and well-being. Reflect on how your intuition guides you in this aspect. Does it nudge you towards a healthier lifestyle or a more balanced state of mind? Honour and nurture your intuition by creating a sacred space for it. This could be through meditation, journaling, or any practice that aligns with your intuitive journey.

Embracing Intuition

Intuition is a quiet voice that often gets drowned in the noise of our busy lives. Create more space to listen to it. Let go of the need for external validation and trust your intuition. Release any fear or doubt that hinders your intuitive exploration. Infuse more trust and surrender into your relationship with your intuition.

Celebrating Intuition

Celebrate your intuitive victories, no matter how small. Express gratitude for the intuitive guidance you've received in the past. Remember, every step taken with intuition is a step towards aligning with your authentic self.

Connecting with your Intuition

Here’s a simple practice to connect with your intuition: Find a comfortable space to sit or lie down. Play a relaxing binaural beat if it helps you. Release any tension in your body. Envision your awareness as a ball of energy. Guide this energy to your heart space, your portal to intuition. Ask your question, receiving the response through meditation, journaling, or your preferred method. Practice daily for a more intuitive life.

intuitive hands

The Power of Intuition

Intuition is not about joining a particular world or adopting a specific way of life. It's about creating your own world, reality, and universe. It's about living life on your terms, guided by your inner wisdom. Remember, if you were intuitive, what do you think the answer would be?

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